Frequently Asked Questions


1. **What is a wildlife safari?**
– A wildlife safari is a journey into natural habitats, often in national parks or reserves, to observe and photograph wildlife in their natural environment.

2. **Where are the best places to go on a wildlife safari?**
– Some of the best places for wildlife safaris include Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa), India (Ranthambore, Jim Corbett National Park), and South America (Galapagos Islands, Amazon Rainforest).

3. **What types of animals can I expect to see on a safari?**
– Depending on the location, you can expect to see a variety of animals including lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, leopards, cheetahs, buffalo, and many more.

4. **When is the best time to go on a safari?**
– The best time to go on a safari depends on the location and the animals you want to see. Generally, dry seasons are better for wildlife viewing as animals tend to gather around water sources.

5. **What should I pack for a safari?**
– Essentials include lightweight clothing, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, sturdy walking shoes, a camera with extra batteries and memory cards, binoculars, and any required medications. We have a dedicated article on this.

6. **Do I need vaccinations for a safari?**
– It’s recommended to check with your doctor for specific vaccinations required for the region you plan to visit.

7. **Are safaris safe?**
– Safaris are generally safe when conducted by reputable operators and following safety guidelines. However, it’s essential to listen to your guide’s instructions and stay inside designated areas.

8. **How long do safaris last?**
– Safaris can vary in duration from a few days to several weeks, depending on the itinerary and destination.

9. **What types of accommodations are available on safari?**
– Accommodations range from luxury lodges and tented camps.

10. **Can children go on safaris?**
– Yes, many safari operators cater to families and offer child-friendly activities and accommodations.

11. **What is game driving?**
– Game driving involves exploring the wilderness in a vehicle, typically a 4×4, to observe wildlife.

12. **Are walking safaris safe?**
– Walking safaris are generally safe when accompanied by experienced guides. Safety precautions are taken to minimize encounters with dangerous animals.

13. **What is the Big Five?**
– The Big Five refers to five iconic African animals: lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros.

14. **Do I need a guide on safari?**
– While it’s possible to go on a self-drive safari in some places, having a knowledgeable guide enhances the experience by providing insight into wildlife behavior and local ecosystems.

15. **Can I take photographs on safari?**
– Yes, photography is a popular activity on safaris. Remember to respect wildlife and follow guidelines for ethical wildlife photography.

16. **What is the best time of day for wildlife viewing?**
– Early morning and late afternoon are the best times for wildlife viewing when animals are most active.

17. **What is a night safari?**
– A night safari involves exploring the wilderness after dark using spotlights to observe nocturnal animals.

18. **Do I need travel insurance for a safari?**
– It’s mandatory to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and evacuations.

19. **Can I customize my safari itinerary?**
– Yes we do offer customizable itineraries to suit your preferences and interests.

20. **Do you offer responsible tourism on safari?**
– Yes we do, and it involves minimizing your impact on the environment and wildlife by following guidelines, supporting conservation efforts, and respecting local communities.

21. **How do I choose the right safari?**
– Research the animals you would like to see and if its suitable for your needs, talk to sand we will happily guide you.

22. **What is the Great Migration?**
– The Great Migration is an annual movement of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals between Tanzania and Kenya in search of greener pastures.

23. **Can I go on a safari alone?**
– While solo safaris are possible, it’s often more enjoyable and safer to go with a group or with a reputable safari operator.

24. **What is a bushwalk?**
– A bushwalk, or walking safari, involves exploring the wilderness on foot with a guide to observe wildlife and learn about the environment up close.

25. **What should I do if I encounter a dangerous animal on safari?**
– Stay calm, listen to your guide’s instructions, and slowly back away without making sudden movements.

26. **Are safaris wheelchair accessible?**
– Some safari lodges and reserves offer wheelchair-accessible accommodations and vehicles, but accessibility can vary.

27. **What is birdwatching on safari?**
– Birdwatching on safari involves observing and identifying bird species in their natural habitats, which can be particularly rewarding in diverse ecosystems.

28. **What is the difference between a national park and a game reserve?**
– National parks are government-protected areas with strict conservation regulations, while game reserves may allow limited human activity such as hunting or farming.

29. **What is a mokoro safari?**
– A mokoro safari is a traditional canoe excursion, often found in the Okavango Delta in Botswana, where travelers are guided through water channels to observe wildlife from a unique perspective.

30. **How can I support wildlife conservation on safari?**
– You can support wildlife conservation by choosing eco-friendly accommodations, avoiding single-use plastics, respecting wildlife and their habitats, and donating to reputable conservation organizations.
